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The student newspaper of the
Sydney Conservatorium

virtuosity in diversity

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Statement on IDAHOBIT

The CSA recognises and observes International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia on this day, the 17th of May, 2022. Today, we celebrate the Queer musicians, students, and staff within the Sydney Conservatorium cohort, as well as all LGBTQIA+ people and communities worldwide. IDAHOBIT commemorates the decision to remove homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organisation in 1990, and we celebrate its 31st Anniversary today as one of the many steps toward LGBTQIA+ justice and rights.

IDAHOBIT acknowledges the struggle and continuous fight for LGBTQIA+ rights, equality, and inclusivity, as well as the successes and celebrations of the Queer community in reducing bigotry and discrimination against the Queer community. We must continue to condemn and acknowledge the still-existing discriminative acts committed against the LGBTQIA+ community, whether in a social or legislative setting. An example being the recently introduced ‘Save Women’s Sport’ Bill, which will allow institutions to ban trans girls and women from competing in sports and sports events across Australia. Another recent example is the Religious Discrimination Bill recently passed in the House of Representatives, which will actively allow discriminatory statements, actions, and regulations against LGBTQIA+ people under the term “religious freedom”. In light of these acts, the importance of IDAHOBIT Day is only further highlighted as a necessary day of awareness and action, and it is more important than ever for the CSA to provide a platform that is inclusive, welcoming, and active for queer students of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

The CSA has in plan a wide range of initiatives to implement throughout the year, such as Pride celebrations, queer community meet-ups and events, and music showcase opportunities for queer musicians here at the Con. Music has a special place in all of our hearts and has been used as a creative outlet for a sense of community, self-expression, and joy. As musicians, we share our experiences in the form of music creation, and by giving a platform for musicians to express our feelings, thoughts, and frustration, we allow messages to come through in a way totally unique to traditional methods of communication. To this, music can and is used as a powerful force to enact change, and as such, the CSA wholly supports and will continue to defend queer rights and proper representation within the Conservatorium student body. We always strive to provide the best university experience for our Con students, and moreso we would love more student recommendations and suggestions for how we can provide an even better student environment for all of you.

You can find more resources on IDAHOBIT Day here: 

Happy IDAHOBIT Day from the CSA, and keep an open eye out for any future events we will hold!


The Conservatorium Students’ Association


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