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The student newspaper of the
Sydney Conservatorium

virtuosity in diversity

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Kristina Sergi

Artists for Yes: Kris Sergi

The Voice to Parliament Referendum is a pivotal moment in our nation's history, offering a unique opportunity for every Australian to stand on the right side of history. It's imperative that we collectively say 'Yes' to this crucial constitutional change.

For far too long, the voices of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been marginalised and unheard. Their invaluable perspectives, knowledge, and experiences have been pushed to the sidelines, despite their status as the First Nations people of this land. It's not just a matter of justice; it's a matter of recognising the inherent worth of these voices in shaping our nation's future.

Changing the Constitution to establish a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament is not just essential; it's long overdue. It acknowledges the historical injustices, where land was stolen, sovereignty never ceded, and countless injustices were inflicted upon Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander communities. This referendum represents the least we can do to begin making amends for the past and forging a more equitable future.

Furthermore, it's essential for our nation's growth. A strong, united Australia can only be built upon a foundation of truth, reconciliation, and genuine partnership with its First Nations peoples. By voting Yes we take a significant step towards a brighter and more inclusive future, where every voice contributes to our nation's success.

Let us seize this moment and make history by voting Yes!!

- Kris Sergi

Past President (2021), Director, & Performer

Conservatorium Students' Association


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